
Spring Garden Update in Singapore

DSCF4087I’ve been doing a lot of gardening of late, trying to improve the look and feel of the garden… I feel that it is lacking in the design department and also not as productive as I would like it to be. In recent months, we have at least doubled the number of plants in the space, and I have been looking online for garden inspiration. Still quite far off from how I’d like it to look, but we’ll get there.


Birds have been eating my seedlings and even chomping on aloe vera leaves, so I purchased a heavy duty net during one of my trips to Australia to keep them out. I left one side semi open, as you will see from the pictures below. It allows for better air flow, as it can get pretty hot in there. Occasionally, I find a spotted neck dove in there pulling out seedlings. When there’s a will, there’s a way.

I decided to grow extra plants with the intention of selling them at Gardener’s Day Out, but it looks like I won’t be able to make it to the next two sessions because I am planning to travel during that period of time. At some point, I might have a plant sale at my place.

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We like our orchids, and we keep them in this section, and any plants that can do with a bit of shade.

DSCF4100 DSCF4099Still waiting to taste the first papaya from this tree, planted from the seed of an organic papaya that I ordered from Green Circle. We have another papaya plant that has been giving us fruit on occasion. I also started leaving plants in one of my chicken coops. I was running out of space in the netted area.

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On the outside of our other coop, we are growing red stemmed malabar spinach and in the surrounds, peppermint, beans, cucumber, red okra, curry plant and another papaya tree.


At the front of the house, it’s looking a bit messy. This is a temporary trellis that I built, not an elegant solution so I will have to get another one built, also I need to do some proper weeding. It’s hard to tell but I’m growing marigolds, zinnia, sweet basil, chocolate mint, apple mint, lemongrass, a sunflower, beans and red okra plants in this planter, some are in pots. In the background, where the bamboo trellis stands, I’m growing snake beans and beetroot.


I’ve started to appreciate succulents and would like to expand my small collection. I’m a little hesitant because it means I have to rely on my mother to water them whenever I travel to Australia for 1-2 months, and there’s a chance that she could forget. Other succulents I have include a prickly pear at the front of our house, and some Indian Borage plants. I’m also starting a moss collection. I painted a couple of terracotta pots for fun, using non-toxic casein paint.

DSCF4106 DSCF4124Rambutans are on their way… DSCF4110Our Murraya plant just started blooming, and the resident bees are enjoying them.


Hopefully a lot more updates to share in Summer!

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  • Joel June 30, 2015 at 3:53 am

    Olivia! Love all that garden space! So much space to experiment in in land scare Singapore. Everything in it looks lovely by the way! 🙂

    • Olivia June 30, 2015 at 2:03 pm

      Thanks Joel! My grandparents enjoyed trees and nature, and used to have some animals and grow vegetables, so they kept it green and open. There was an awkward strip of land beside our home, so it was offered to him for $5K back in the day, that’s why the garden is so large, and we’re very lucky to have that extra space. Yeah I need to grow more stuff, am thinking of turning it into a mini nursery.

  • Chloe Hung September 22, 2015 at 7:50 pm

    Hi Olivia! I stumbled across your page while looking for Apple mint plants in Singapore! I was wondering where in Singapore are you located and if you had any Apple mint plants on sale! 🙂 Please let me know! Thank you! 🙂

    • Olivia September 23, 2015 at 12:12 am

      Hi Chloe,

      Incidentally, I have a few plants. Perhaps you could write to me at lambchopra[at], I live near Woodleigh MRT.

  • Sugi October 19, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    /// I painted a couple of terracotta pots for fun, using non-toxic casein paint.///

    Hi Olivia, thank you for your sharing. Where can I buy casein paints?

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