Calendula Officinalis, or Pot Marigold is an incredible medicinal plant with healing properties, good for treating eczema and skin inflammations, and also a beneficial plant in the garden. In Dan’s garden in Australia, it has been so easy to grow, and has self-seeded from one plant to a whole cluster, adding vibrancy to an otherwise uniform sea of green.
There is a range of marigolds, and it is important to note that if you are after Calendula Officinalis for a homemade recipe, that you do not purchase or use the wrong type of marigold. Also, it is advised that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid ingesting calendula infusions, as it could cause a miscarriage for the former, as for the latter, its effects on babies are not yet known and it is more of a precautionary measure.
If you’re not keen on growing your own, you can find dried calendula flowers at Herbs 4 Life at 722 North Bridge Road, or prefer to order online, Abundant Earth stocks 30g-120g packs, starting from $14.50.
Personally, I use the infusion as a rinse for my face, on insect bites and wounds, and even as a mouth gargle. There are lots of uses, including treatment of ulcers in the mouth or digestive tract, and so it is good to have some in the pantry. I would choose this over any pharmaceutical product any day.
If you’re looking for ready made Calendula products, consider Four Cow Farm‘s Organic Calendula, Oat & Chickweed Bath Soaks, and Calendula Remedy. Their range is really natural and lovely, and I’m a fan of their baby wash too. Do check it out!
Hi Olivia, thank you for this blogpost! I am having trouble germinating my calendula and Marigold seeds, do they need to be refrigerated, and do they “take” to our climate once they put roots down?
Hi Keziah, these seeds in particular usually don’t store for very long outside the fridge. Many of my calendula and marigold seeds have gone off rather quickly. When it is still highly viable when planted, marigold can do very well in a sunny location in Singapore, but calendula seems to do better in morning sun IMO. The flowers tend to be smaller in Singapore though.
Thank you Olivia! Looks like I’ve got to plant the full batch of seeds I purchase ASAP or keep them in the fridge. If I manage to get calendula to germinate I’ll look for a way to keep them in morning sun only.
All the best, Keziah! I hope you manage to grow a healthy crop!