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Spring Garden Update in Singapore

DSCF4087I’ve been doing a lot of gardening of late, trying to improve the look and feel of the garden… I feel that it is lacking in the design department and also not as productive as I would like it to be. In recent months, we have at least doubled the number of plants in the space, and I have been looking online for garden inspiration. Still quite far off from how I’d like it to look, but we’ll get there.


Birds have been eating my seedlings and even chomping on aloe vera leaves, so I purchased a heavy duty net during one of my trips to Australia to keep them out. I left one side semi open, as you will see from the pictures below. It allows for better air flow, as it can get pretty hot in there. Occasionally, I find a spotted neck dove in there pulling out seedlings. When there’s a will, there’s a way.

I decided to grow extra plants with the intention of selling them at Gardener’s Day Out, but it looks like I won’t be able to make it to the next two sessions because I am planning to travel during that period of time. At some point, I might have a plant sale at my place.

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Feature in Female magazine


Ok I don’t really garden in that outfit 🙂

I’ve been featured in Female magazine’s May issue, alongside two ladies who enjoy growing their own edibles. My garden looks quite barren compared to theirs, admittedly I had little vegetables growing at the time, many were still seedlings and I had been focusing more on flowers. Another reminder to avoid periods of bountiful or barren, and instead plan my garden better so that it’s always a highly productive garden.

Pick up a copy to look at the other gardens featured in the story, they look pretty marvellous!

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March workshop: Grow Your Own Natural Remedies


Learn to grow and use herbs and flowers to gently relieve minor skin ailments and body discomfort in our Grow Your Own Natural Remedies Workshop.

Organised by The Tender Gardener and supported by Edible Garden City, this 2½ hour hands-on workshop includes a presentation on the properties and uses of various herbs and beneficial plants, instructions on sowing seeds, as well as recipe demonstrations on making natural remedies. On the day, participants get to take home seeds or cuttings of Lemon Balm, Calendula, Dandelion, Indian Borage, Mint, along with a pot, bag of Nong Premium Planting Mix, notes, recipes and products prepared during the session itself.

Reservation is required at $89 per person, seats are limited to 12 seats so book your spot here today!

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14-15 March 2015: D’Kranji Farm Fair in the Kranji countryside

Ginza tomatoes

D’Kranji Farm Resort have organised a farm fair for the weekend of 14 and 15 March, 1pm – 6pm both days. There’s quite a bit going on, and it’s worth a visit! Aside from local farm produce and artisanal products, visitors can pick up edible farming growing kits and containers, along with hot local food, so you can make a date to have lunch there. Also, there are lots of family friendly activities to partake in, and pets are welcome!

Something to look out for is the Southern Nagasaki Agricultural Co-operative, who are special guests for the event. They’ll bring with them a wide range of fresh produce including strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potato, broccoli, Shiitake mushrooms, Kinoko mushrooms, White Cabbage Hakusai, Radish, Nagasaki Champon noodles, Somen noodles, Kasutera (Castella) cake and much more.

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