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Music of the Plants!

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So much evidence around us show that plants are sentient beings with an awareness of its surroundings, and this is further proof that this is so. Crystal Castle has brought in technology from Damanhur, an eco and spiritual community in northern Italy, able to convert plant vibrations to music, and today it was demonstrated during a sharing session how different plants can make different beautiful sounds and interact with its surroundings.

It was a very popular talk, and lots of children came along for the experience.

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The synthesizer above, is rigged to plants, and as the speaker shared, plants hear themselves for the first time and are surprised at their own “voice”. During the session, she also mentioned research that suggests plants react to birds chirping in the morning, rather than the sunshine, which I thought was quite interesting.

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The best Japanese cafe in Northern NSW


Dan and I love Japanese food, and we look forward to our weekly visits to Federal Doma Cafe when I’m at Moondance. Federal Doma is a small, quaint, Japanese cafe with a laid-back vibe, run by a friendly team of cool Japanese folks in the quiet town of Federal. It’s the closest town to where we live, so it’s very convenient for us.

It’s usually packed by 12.30pm, so we try to get there before noon to make sure we get seats. There’s also a music performance every Sunday.

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City, Country, Uncategorized

Building a herbal garden

The plan is to have a garden apothecary and to go outside and get medicated naturally, rather than buying pharmaceutical products in a box. Since medication is mostly derived from plants, we might as well go straight to the source!

When I had first watched an episode of River Cottage where Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall visits a herbalist of sorts, and she draws a bath for him using flowers and herbs from her garden, I was smitten with the idea of one day having a romantic looking garden full of magical plants and know-how. It wasn’t until I’d watched Grow Your Own Drugs by James Wong, that I had grown to realise how within reach that dream was; as long as I did proper research and tried not to be too ambitious immediately, that I would get there. It wasn’t as painful and clinical as I had always thought it to be; it’s kind of like cooking, isn’t it?

But where does one start?

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Note to self: cockatoos love sunflowers


My mammoth sunflowers took around 2 and a half months before opening its flower heads, but we only got to enjoy this for a little more than a week. One morning, we heard wild cockatoos squawking and congregating near our tomato beds, so I went to investigate.

What I saw was quite heartbreaking…

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