
8 Lessons from living in the byron bay hinterland


[PS. If you are having difficulty reading the extended post on your mobile device, please click on “view desktop site” and it should load. Can’t seem to fix this, other posts seem to work on mobiles though]

So the house is finally sold and my boyfriend, Dan, has decided to move closer to Sydney till the end of the year, before his mom looks at buying another property in the Northern Rivers. Sorry for the blurry photo – it was a screen capture from, the lovely photo was taken by Elders Real Estate. For now, my journey of rainforest/remote living will be put on hold. Fingers crossed that he will move to Sydney for a short stint so that I can do more self sufficiency courses with Milkwood, since there are none in Byron Bay for the rest of the year. Of late, I’ve been extremely keen on fermentation, in particular – water kefir, but I will talk about that another time.

In these last 3 and a half plus years of jetting between Singapore and the subtropical Byron Hinterland, specifically Upper Coopers Creek, I’ve learned a lot about simple living and about the beauty of living with the seasons of nature, something that I didn’t pay attention to much when living in Perth for 7 years, and even less so in Singapore. It’s an experience I love and treasure greatly, being in sync with nature is beneficial to our health and well being, and being a gardener reminds me of this.

Living in the rainforest and off the land is often romanticised but it can be costly and involve more effort than what many people think. Selling Houses Australia – one of my favourite Australian television programmes, shared a surprising statistic about how 50% of city dwellers who buy into country towns change their minds and move back. It’s certainly not for everyone.

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Beekeeping Once More


Who would have guessed? Asian Honeybees inhabited my old bait hive over the weekend, it had been empty for 2.5 years, except for the time when termites briefly moved in, and we had the box treated to prevent anymore infestations. Knowing that bees are very particular about hygiene, I had given up all hope of it housing a hive. This box was doomed for the rubbish heap but I didn’t throw it out, and instead left it in the same spot beneath a palm tree, and exposed to the elements.

I was quite gutted when my previous batch of bees left almost three months ago, while I was in Australia. Anyway, it’s all good now.


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Greening the Indoors Elegantly


With evolving design trends and more Singaporeans taking a keen interest in plants and greening the indoors, we now have more attractive garden pots available for every budget. Planters should also be a design feature in the home, and be more than just functional objects.

Here are some aesthetically-pleasing planters that I’ve recently come across.

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Midweek Instagram Inspiration

I’m a big believer of the soothing effect of greenery, especially inside the home. I recently gave a talk on greening the indoors, and shared some of the gardening-related Instagram accounts I love. Since then, I’ve found a few more to add to the list. I hope you’ll find these inspiring too.


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